Facebook Page Unliker

Easily unlike old and embarrassing Facebook pages!

Created in 2015
Tech Stack

EmberJS, Facebook Graph API


If you are anything like the high school version of me, you probably became a fan of hundreds of embarrassing pages on Facebook. While searching online for a solution, I couldn’t really find one that allowed me to preserve certain Facebook Pages, such as musicians and artists. Thus, I set out to make my third EmberJS application, although it did not require a back-end. Using Ember Simple Auth in combination with Ember Simple Auth Torii.

Facebook Page Unliker Main view of the Facebook Page Unliker application

This application was quite successful, reaching the frontpage of HackerNews in addition to being #1 on ProductHunt for January 10th. At the time of writing, Page Unliker has 28, 357 sessions, with 25,506 users, and 110,335 users. Not too shabby!


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